Derek Rosa Support Initiative

This Derek Rosa Support Initiative website represents the collective effort of parents, mothers, and people from around the world in defense of the memory of a mother, Irina Garcia, and the innocence of her son, Derek Rosa, a 13-year-old boy entangled in circumstances and a flawed legal process that put him at risk of receiving an unjust conviction. Driven by a deep conviction in justice and the desire to honor his mother’s memory, our movement is built on compassion, solidarity, and an unwavering commitment to defend what is just. We join this effort not only as an act of justice for Derek but also as a way to perpetuate the love and respect for his mother.

We want to emphasize that our involvement stems from genuine concern and a collective desire to positively impact. This initiative is completely independent and does not have the association, affiliation, nor the backing of Derek Rosa’s family or close relatives. It is an autonomous endeavor aimed at raising public awareness and generating support for Derek in a respectful and constructive manner, always mindful of his family’s privacy and wishes.

In line with our non-profit ethos, this website will refrain from conducting any kind of monetary transaction or displaying advertisements. Our focus is on enhancing the message of justice, fostering a supportive community, and creating a space where voices demanding equity and remembrance can converge.

Through this platform, we aspire to make a significant contribution to Derek Rosa’s case and, at the same time, showcase the strength of collective commitment and empathy in the face of adversity. We invite everyone who shares our values and vision for justice to join this crucial cause, as we work together to promote change and honor a legacy of love and strength.
